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- sm:[1][Please select ^1 mode at ^0.][OK]
- ng:[1][Global Data can only be sent to or requested from microWAVE with Version 1.20 or higher.|Try to reinstall by using “Scan”.][Cancel]
- sr:[1][Press Shift-Recall at ^0 in order to receive stored version.][Cancel|OK]
- ss:[1][Press Shift-Store, then O.K.|at ^0.][Cancel|OK]
- ch:Checksum Error|for %s
- sp: Special ||Special options for this window
- ws: Solid Display|aS|Shows the waveform as a line or solid
- wa: Additive Synthesis||Defines how the additive synthesis treats levels
- w0: Normalized||Normalizes the levels: no clipping
- w1: Analog Clipping||Limits values to the minimum or maximum
- w2: Mirrored||Mirrors valumes outside the valid range at the borders
- w3: Digital Clipping||Lets values outside a border appear at the other border
- up: Show resulting UPAW parameters|aR|Shows or hides the display of UPAW parameters for steps 2..64
- is: Import Sample file||Converts a sample file to the selected wave and wavesteps
- ie:[1][To import a sample, select one User or Card Wavetable and 1..61 User or Card Waves to determine the destinations.][OK]